- Nordic Fender aim to be a leading supplier of pneumatic fenders and pertaining equipment. From Ship-to-Ship and offshore operations to navy and port calls.
- Nordic Fender only offer first class products, fully tested and certified
- Nordic Fender can be reached 24/7 and keep all the most common sizes of pneumatic fenders in stock
- Nordic Fender AS is 100 % owned by Fonna Invest AS. Headquarter is located at Husnes, Norway, part of a maritime environment with a broad international network within the deck equipment segment.
Nordic Fender is founded by a group of owners with extensive track record within the maritime field. This includes fender sales, production and world wide supplies. We shall use our experience and mix it with new ideas and create new opportunities, always with the customer in focus.
Serve the industry with high quality fender products – on time!

Through a quality based mindset and focus on developing the fender products in close cooperation with our clients we aim to improve safety for crew and the environment – all at a affordable cost.
NordicFender’s quality management system has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015.